My opinion

This is just my opinion on things and if you don't like it... Well frankly my dear I don't give a damn

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Animal Kingdom

For as long as I can remember I have been in love with animals of all kinds from South Africa to Asia all the way down to Australian sea life. The one thing they have in common is that they all have some kind of animal that have been labeled as killers but I want to put the question out there, are they really killers or are humans just going somewhere  where they shouldn’t be.
   Now I know that humans are everywhere but maybe there are just some places that humans just shouldn’t be. I mean think about it with the number of people that have been killed by tigers, lion, bears, and even the box jelly fish found in tropic waters. Should be some kind of indication that humans just shouldn’t be in the places where those animals are, or at least go near their area. I know there are people out there that would say humans have the right to live and be where they want to. But yet humans get mad when a wild animal kills a human, but yet a human can kill a wild animal and not a lot of humans get all butt hurt when it happens. With that being said another question can be asked could all the people that have died by animal attacks be nature’s way of getting back at the humans for all needless killings of elephants, tigers, bears, and even whales; or is it simply that human just don’t know how to stay in their own stinking bubble.
  The reason why I say that is because in day to day human life human have their own space at  home, in the car, even at the office; and when people invade that space humans get pissie even defensive. But the thought that an animal may have the same things in common doesn’t even cross some people’s mind.
Compared to the personal bubble of an animal’s people don’t even have a bubble it’s so small. So just like a human get pissed when another human comes in to their bubbles animals get pissed when something or someone else comes in and invades their bubble. And to be honest every time we step outside we our door we are invading the animal kingdoms bubble. For the simple fact that before there where humans there where animals so animals have every right to come at humans when we go in to the woods or forest.   
   So the lesson of the day is if you want to go in to the forest and the woods where there has been known to be human deaths or animals that have been known to kill human, first off don’t go, but if you have to or you really really want to just keep in mind that you are on their turf and don’t be surprised if you have a fun in with one of these beautiful, strong, marvels animals.   

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Don't Let The Man Break You Down

I'm doing two posts today because tomorrow I'm going to be busy all day and wont have time to do it.

o·pin·ion-1. A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge

  So the other day something got brought to my attention about how some people think in the human race. I know that their are many ways for billions of people to think but today I'm just going to talk about one. Which is if someone has an opinion about something ,it can be anything really, that you need to have facts to back it up. Well that is a load of bull,to have an opinion you do not need facts to back it up,because its a stinking opinion as a citizen of the USA you have the right to an opinion. 2nd just look at the definition of opinion it states right there that you don't necessarily have to have an opinion based on facts or knowledge.Yet there are some people out there that fail to remember that and feel like you can have an opinion about something unless you have fact or knowledge about what ever you are talking about.

  Something people that if you don't have facts to back up you opinion feel like they have to do, is brake down you opinion, because they feel like its not good enough to be an opinion just based on the fact that it has no facts. Again I say that is bull, and its also a dominating way of thinking. If you look at the person that has that way of thinking, or you know that person very well, think for a to yourself for a sec : is this person breaking down my opinion because i have no facts to back it up or is this person breaking it down because that's all they know how to do.

When I do stop and think those things it makes me feel sorry for that person and I begin to see that there a very unhappy person deep down inside. Also that all they need is a hug /o\  just for the simple fact that well it sucks to be unhappy all the time but think that you have to keep up a tough mentality  and not show that your unhappy with your life.

 As a last thought before lesson of the day, if human as a whole wants to grow in other ways then just the way we have been for decades we need to open are eyes to the fact that there are billions of people and that they all have an opinion of some kind, and your not going to like them all.

 So on that note the lesson of the day is 1) stand strong in your opinion no matter what anyone may say  2) just because someone has an opinion doesn't mean that you have to like it just understand that its just one persons way of thinking and that there are billions of people on the planet one is bound to think like you do. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What is Going On

   So I'm sure that you all have heard that Donald Trump or as I like to call him angry can tan man with a wig ( bad wig at that I really think that he needs to find a new wig guy cuz the one he has now SUCKS) anyways I digress again.... wants to become president, first off I would just like to say AHHHHHHHHHHH! Sec if that does happen I am moving out of the country. Now you are probably are think to yourself why in the world are you screaming, well just for the simple fact that a man like Donald Trump want to become the leader of the country. Now I'm not saying that the man wouldn't do a good job... okay well maybe I am with the screaming and saying that I would move out of the country. But I have good reason to say that, the man would literally try and take over the world. I mean the man already owns like god knows how many hotels in the world.... no really god and Donald Trump are the only two people that know how many hotels that man owns. So anyways back to what I was saying..... the thought of Donald Trump becoming president scares the holy bujeuse out of me for the simple fact that the only thing that he would do right maybe and that just a maybe is fix the money problem, but other then that I think that the US would be at war with every  country in the world (not that the US isn't already )just based on the fact that he didn't like them.

     In my personal opinion Donald is a air head when it comes to anything else but money, and running a hotel, that's  it nothing else. So the man has a few company's with his last name on it, so what that doesn't mean anything. That would be like me having a few high quality product like sunglasses with my name on it, and I know a lot about those products that my name is on , but that doesn't mean I can go out there and say that, because I know my sunglasses company very well that now I am going to try and tell very one else how they should have there sunglasses company. I know that a bad example.. but you see were I'm coming from . What I'm basically trying to say is Donald needs to stick with what he knows best, which is hotels and don't try and run the US.

 I will tell you this right now that if Donald Trump gets any people behind him on this.. and I'm sure he has a few pinkie up tea drinkers behind him.... that those people need to be taken out back and beaten in the head with plastic bats, till they get some sines knocked into them, or something along those lines. Again I'm sure your thinking Aqua why so hateful, don't bet the pinkie up tea drinkers that just mean, or you may be thinking... HEY MAN I drink tea with my pinkie in the air. To the people that may be thinking the first thing I have to say I'm just being me so there. To the people that may be thinking the 2nd thing I have to say .. as long as you don't vote to Donald Trump we will have no problem.. and to be honest I drink tea too just not with my pinkie in the air.

  The cherry on top of it all the man is so into himself that its not even funny .. okay well its kinda funny. And i honestly don't think that the people that say they like him really don't. They are just to scared to say other wise ... why , to be honest I don't know nor do I really care. And i don't think that you the reader do either so on that note I will leave you with the lesson of the day.

 Today's lesson is well just because you have money doesn't mean that you should be the president of the US. Stick with what your good at and leave everything else like that to other people just not Donald Trump.


Life in Seattle and The Power Women Have Over It

     I  moved to Seattle,WA a year ago and found out that life up here in the northwest is a little different then from a lot of the US. First off the people up here are a lot more worried about are planet then that of people in other states and countries. Now the government wants people to think that global warming is not real its just something that the people with tinfoil hats on there heads want you think. It is very much real how else would you explain the jacked up weather. Like the stupidly long winters and the unbearably hot summers where you feel like your going sweat every oz of liquid you have in your body out. Also how else would you explain the polar ice caps melting making the sea level higher bringing the ocean closer and closer to major cities. Now there are some states that are taking the steppes to try and reverse the damage that has been caused by people. Like California having the wind turbines, and trying to promote recycling. But in all honesty two states are not going to make that big of a difference in making the human carbon foot print smaller. More states need to take steps in using alternative methods for car fuel and wast disposal.

  Something else that sets Seattle apart from the rest of the states is the law system. Now what I mean by the law system is when a man and a women get a divorce in the state of Washington the man gets royally screwed in the whole ordeal. Even if the man is a upstanding person and the best husband that a women could ever ask for as well, as the best father, and the only  reason why they got a divorce in the first place was cause the husband just didn't see eye to eye on anything with his wife. The reason for the men getting screwed is that for some reason women have more pull up here then anywhere else that I know of when it comes to the law system. Now I'm not compiling about women have a lot of pull in somethings, but in some cases the mother is not the best option for the child.  But yet the law system fails to see when the mother is the bad parent and not the father. This again goes back to my comment that I made in yesterdays blog about women not being truthful. The women in this cases lie their way into getting there kids by making the father look like an jerk. And the fun doesn't stop their the men also has all the money they make as well as the house they shared taken and given to the wife even if there is no kids involved.

 Now I don't want it to sound like I don't think that all the women that have gotten those things don't deserve it. I'm sure their are some women out there that did and do but the ones that basically move  the justice system around like puns to get there way, have given us honest women a bad name. And make it where no men can trust women.

Now I have found that the subject of women getting the upper hand in a divorce is talked about here in Washington a lot, to be honest almost daily on the radio, and the sad thing is that its not just the men talking about, its the women too.  But this is something that most states don't really make it a high point of conversation on the radio, unless there is a man that makes it a point to talk about it, because he is going through it, or has gone through it himself.
    If I am wrong about any of what I have said in the last two paragraphs then please tell me, because I am only seeing one side of the story. But if you merely think that I am the one that is making the female gender look bad I'm not trying to at all, what I am trying to do is bring to light things that women do not want to look at about themselves. And making them look at something that if not fixed or merely take notice of there actions, and try to not use there power over men as harshly as same women do, it will cause bigger problems in the future.

 So what is today's lesson in all this, well I will let you the reader decide for yourself. But the lesson I get from this is that women need to not abuse the power that we have over men. We need to use it wisely and only when it benefits both parties in the matter not just the women in certain cases.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Something To Keep In Mind

   Okay so even tho I only have 2 follower as of right now and both of them are married to wonderful men but for those future readers of my blog that have a husband or a boyfriend or are even looking for mister right like I am. Here is some advice about guys for all ages married, dating,and single that I learned on my own and from my mom and even my mom have problems remembering this sometimes.

  First off all men no matter how old or young they are, they were all dropped on there head at some point in there life. The parents my not of done it, maybe not even the doctors but someone, somehow they were dropped on there head. That brings me to point number 2 they will always be 9 year old boy, they will have there moments were they act their age but for the most part they will never get older then 9. And 9 year old boys are very sensitive, so there feelings are easily hurt but they also want to make there women happy in every way possible. They even wont the women in there life to be proud of them when they do something that they are proud of.

  Something else that I have found out on my own from first hand experience is not all the little games that women play with guys, is well first off in my opinion stupid. The reason why I say that is that women always want guys to be straight forward with them but yet women wont be straight with men. So how the heck do you expect a guy to be up front with you if all you do is play little mind games with them.Its not fair for them in a relationship to be the only one that is straight. My thing is if you cant be straight with the man you are with and you feel like you have to hide who you really are from him then he is not the man you are meant to be with, move on and find someone else that you can be yourself with and that wants you to be yourself with him.

   So today's lesson is well a few things one when ever you start to get mad at you guy just keep in mind that he doesn't mean to do it that hes just a 9 year old boy trying his hardest to do good in your eyes. Two women and girls stop playing mind games with guys they hate it and its not fair to ask something of them that you are not willing to do yourself. Third do not stay in a relationship or even for that matter don't get in a relationship that you can not be yourself with and that wants you to be something you are not.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Go To Your Happy Place

Okay so today I went to my new school that I will be going to in the fall of this year to take my placement test so they can tell me how "stupid" they think I am ; just to find out that the whole parking lot from one end of the school to the other is full. Just when I think I have a parking spot some butt head tries to play chicken with me.... Now keep in mind I drive at the moment a 1990 Ford truck and the person that has unwisely decided to play this fun game with me is in a SUV..... any who I digress... So knowing all of this ahead of time when I see this person , being the nice a sweet and kind person that I am ... not the kind of person that wants to poke peoples eyes out with a spoon ... cause we all know that not me .. no not at all....... ( ya I have angry problems but who doesn't)..anyways where was I ..... Oh yes playing chicken with a SUV... So i let the person take the parking spot and as I was leaving the wonderful school I take a look around and I see all the lovely students leaving to go to their cars , walking out into the middle of the road and I began to think to myself...... Oh my lord if these are the workers of the future then no wounder that us as a country of no money cause we hire people who walk out in the middle of the freaking road!

  The other thought that passed through my head was .... And I thought Costco parking lots were bad.... and by this point I wanted to poke my own eyes with a spoon along with everyone else... But I didn't I just went to my happy place as I do so often when I have to deal with stupid people... which is well pretty much daily. But hey its cool I don't mind I like it in my happy place its quite comfy and I don't have the over whelming feeling to poke peoples eyes out. That's a good things cause then everyone can see and most important I can see and at then end of then day that is all that matters is Me......

So today's lesson is when someone of a group of people tick you off don't poke their eyes out with a spoon cause that really sadly wont solve anything even tho it will make you feel better you will then have a big bloody mess to clean up and that just no fun . Instead just find and go to your happy place and all will be well...