My opinion

This is just my opinion on things and if you don't like it... Well frankly my dear I don't give a damn

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Life in Seattle and The Power Women Have Over It

     I  moved to Seattle,WA a year ago and found out that life up here in the northwest is a little different then from a lot of the US. First off the people up here are a lot more worried about are planet then that of people in other states and countries. Now the government wants people to think that global warming is not real its just something that the people with tinfoil hats on there heads want you think. It is very much real how else would you explain the jacked up weather. Like the stupidly long winters and the unbearably hot summers where you feel like your going sweat every oz of liquid you have in your body out. Also how else would you explain the polar ice caps melting making the sea level higher bringing the ocean closer and closer to major cities. Now there are some states that are taking the steppes to try and reverse the damage that has been caused by people. Like California having the wind turbines, and trying to promote recycling. But in all honesty two states are not going to make that big of a difference in making the human carbon foot print smaller. More states need to take steps in using alternative methods for car fuel and wast disposal.

  Something else that sets Seattle apart from the rest of the states is the law system. Now what I mean by the law system is when a man and a women get a divorce in the state of Washington the man gets royally screwed in the whole ordeal. Even if the man is a upstanding person and the best husband that a women could ever ask for as well, as the best father, and the only  reason why they got a divorce in the first place was cause the husband just didn't see eye to eye on anything with his wife. The reason for the men getting screwed is that for some reason women have more pull up here then anywhere else that I know of when it comes to the law system. Now I'm not compiling about women have a lot of pull in somethings, but in some cases the mother is not the best option for the child.  But yet the law system fails to see when the mother is the bad parent and not the father. This again goes back to my comment that I made in yesterdays blog about women not being truthful. The women in this cases lie their way into getting there kids by making the father look like an jerk. And the fun doesn't stop their the men also has all the money they make as well as the house they shared taken and given to the wife even if there is no kids involved.

 Now I don't want it to sound like I don't think that all the women that have gotten those things don't deserve it. I'm sure their are some women out there that did and do but the ones that basically move  the justice system around like puns to get there way, have given us honest women a bad name. And make it where no men can trust women.

Now I have found that the subject of women getting the upper hand in a divorce is talked about here in Washington a lot, to be honest almost daily on the radio, and the sad thing is that its not just the men talking about, its the women too.  But this is something that most states don't really make it a high point of conversation on the radio, unless there is a man that makes it a point to talk about it, because he is going through it, or has gone through it himself.
    If I am wrong about any of what I have said in the last two paragraphs then please tell me, because I am only seeing one side of the story. But if you merely think that I am the one that is making the female gender look bad I'm not trying to at all, what I am trying to do is bring to light things that women do not want to look at about themselves. And making them look at something that if not fixed or merely take notice of there actions, and try to not use there power over men as harshly as same women do, it will cause bigger problems in the future.

 So what is today's lesson in all this, well I will let you the reader decide for yourself. But the lesson I get from this is that women need to not abuse the power that we have over men. We need to use it wisely and only when it benefits both parties in the matter not just the women in certain cases.


1 comment:

  1. 1) lmao.. you sooo got busted by spell check. I'm only laughing my ass off because it happens to me ALL THE time, and I like globule warming.
    2)i don't know what to do without a daily lesson....
