My opinion

This is just my opinion on things and if you don't like it... Well frankly my dear I don't give a damn

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Don't Let The Man Break You Down

I'm doing two posts today because tomorrow I'm going to be busy all day and wont have time to do it.

o·pin·ion-1. A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge

  So the other day something got brought to my attention about how some people think in the human race. I know that their are many ways for billions of people to think but today I'm just going to talk about one. Which is if someone has an opinion about something ,it can be anything really, that you need to have facts to back it up. Well that is a load of bull,to have an opinion you do not need facts to back it up,because its a stinking opinion as a citizen of the USA you have the right to an opinion. 2nd just look at the definition of opinion it states right there that you don't necessarily have to have an opinion based on facts or knowledge.Yet there are some people out there that fail to remember that and feel like you can have an opinion about something unless you have fact or knowledge about what ever you are talking about.

  Something people that if you don't have facts to back up you opinion feel like they have to do, is brake down you opinion, because they feel like its not good enough to be an opinion just based on the fact that it has no facts. Again I say that is bull, and its also a dominating way of thinking. If you look at the person that has that way of thinking, or you know that person very well, think for a to yourself for a sec : is this person breaking down my opinion because i have no facts to back it up or is this person breaking it down because that's all they know how to do.

When I do stop and think those things it makes me feel sorry for that person and I begin to see that there a very unhappy person deep down inside. Also that all they need is a hug /o\  just for the simple fact that well it sucks to be unhappy all the time but think that you have to keep up a tough mentality  and not show that your unhappy with your life.

 As a last thought before lesson of the day, if human as a whole wants to grow in other ways then just the way we have been for decades we need to open are eyes to the fact that there are billions of people and that they all have an opinion of some kind, and your not going to like them all.

 So on that note the lesson of the day is 1) stand strong in your opinion no matter what anyone may say  2) just because someone has an opinion doesn't mean that you have to like it just understand that its just one persons way of thinking and that there are billions of people on the planet one is bound to think like you do. 

1 comment:

  1. font much better.. ;)
    opinions, still valid.
