My opinion

This is just my opinion on things and if you don't like it... Well frankly my dear I don't give a damn

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What is Going On

   So I'm sure that you all have heard that Donald Trump or as I like to call him angry can tan man with a wig ( bad wig at that I really think that he needs to find a new wig guy cuz the one he has now SUCKS) anyways I digress again.... wants to become president, first off I would just like to say AHHHHHHHHHHH! Sec if that does happen I am moving out of the country. Now you are probably are think to yourself why in the world are you screaming, well just for the simple fact that a man like Donald Trump want to become the leader of the country. Now I'm not saying that the man wouldn't do a good job... okay well maybe I am with the screaming and saying that I would move out of the country. But I have good reason to say that, the man would literally try and take over the world. I mean the man already owns like god knows how many hotels in the world.... no really god and Donald Trump are the only two people that know how many hotels that man owns. So anyways back to what I was saying..... the thought of Donald Trump becoming president scares the holy bujeuse out of me for the simple fact that the only thing that he would do right maybe and that just a maybe is fix the money problem, but other then that I think that the US would be at war with every  country in the world (not that the US isn't already )just based on the fact that he didn't like them.

     In my personal opinion Donald is a air head when it comes to anything else but money, and running a hotel, that's  it nothing else. So the man has a few company's with his last name on it, so what that doesn't mean anything. That would be like me having a few high quality product like sunglasses with my name on it, and I know a lot about those products that my name is on , but that doesn't mean I can go out there and say that, because I know my sunglasses company very well that now I am going to try and tell very one else how they should have there sunglasses company. I know that a bad example.. but you see were I'm coming from . What I'm basically trying to say is Donald needs to stick with what he knows best, which is hotels and don't try and run the US.

 I will tell you this right now that if Donald Trump gets any people behind him on this.. and I'm sure he has a few pinkie up tea drinkers behind him.... that those people need to be taken out back and beaten in the head with plastic bats, till they get some sines knocked into them, or something along those lines. Again I'm sure your thinking Aqua why so hateful, don't bet the pinkie up tea drinkers that just mean, or you may be thinking... HEY MAN I drink tea with my pinkie in the air. To the people that may be thinking the first thing I have to say I'm just being me so there. To the people that may be thinking the 2nd thing I have to say .. as long as you don't vote to Donald Trump we will have no problem.. and to be honest I drink tea too just not with my pinkie in the air.

  The cherry on top of it all the man is so into himself that its not even funny .. okay well its kinda funny. And i honestly don't think that the people that say they like him really don't. They are just to scared to say other wise ... why , to be honest I don't know nor do I really care. And i don't think that you the reader do either so on that note I will leave you with the lesson of the day.

 Today's lesson is well just because you have money doesn't mean that you should be the president of the US. Stick with what your good at and leave everything else like that to other people just not Donald Trump.



  1. lol..this is getting very very cool, Ms. C. very cool indeed. You amaze me. Keep thinking. Keep listening.
    The "look" of the blog is much better than the darker one. That bright pink font was pokin' out my one good eye.
    One thing I would tell you is the font is a little hard to read and if it's bolded, I'd unbold it. Otherwise, I'm just old and since you're writing for people your age, I'll just get my glasses :P

  2. plus you're frickin' hilarious

  3. ........and still laughing about how many hotels the Donald has and who knows it.
