My opinion

This is just my opinion on things and if you don't like it... Well frankly my dear I don't give a damn

Monday, April 18, 2011

Go To Your Happy Place

Okay so today I went to my new school that I will be going to in the fall of this year to take my placement test so they can tell me how "stupid" they think I am ; just to find out that the whole parking lot from one end of the school to the other is full. Just when I think I have a parking spot some butt head tries to play chicken with me.... Now keep in mind I drive at the moment a 1990 Ford truck and the person that has unwisely decided to play this fun game with me is in a SUV..... any who I digress... So knowing all of this ahead of time when I see this person , being the nice a sweet and kind person that I am ... not the kind of person that wants to poke peoples eyes out with a spoon ... cause we all know that not me .. no not at all....... ( ya I have angry problems but who doesn't)..anyways where was I ..... Oh yes playing chicken with a SUV... So i let the person take the parking spot and as I was leaving the wonderful school I take a look around and I see all the lovely students leaving to go to their cars , walking out into the middle of the road and I began to think to myself...... Oh my lord if these are the workers of the future then no wounder that us as a country of no money cause we hire people who walk out in the middle of the freaking road!

  The other thought that passed through my head was .... And I thought Costco parking lots were bad.... and by this point I wanted to poke my own eyes with a spoon along with everyone else... But I didn't I just went to my happy place as I do so often when I have to deal with stupid people... which is well pretty much daily. But hey its cool I don't mind I like it in my happy place its quite comfy and I don't have the over whelming feeling to poke peoples eyes out. That's a good things cause then everyone can see and most important I can see and at then end of then day that is all that matters is Me......

So today's lesson is when someone of a group of people tick you off don't poke their eyes out with a spoon cause that really sadly wont solve anything even tho it will make you feel better you will then have a big bloody mess to clean up and that just no fun . Instead just find and go to your happy place and all will be well...


  1. ooh and as a lil side note while i was write this i was listing to classical music:
    anvil chorus by verdi.... LMAO

  2. i love this so much. ok ok ok.. i mean, i love you too... but this.. just wow, Ms. Aquagirl. please just keep letting us all see this wild woman. if you don't, you're grounded.
    the truth is, you've been grounded, with your soul buried deep in the sweetness of the whole earth since the day you were brave enough to be born. i'm just lucky you picked me as the door and yeah, you were worth the 36 hours :P

  3. oh.. and yeah. i can see it. :P

  4. :)
    felicidades on el bloggo.
    totally get the poking eyes out thing...i prefer with my finger, but "spoons" work too!
